Discovering and Maintaining What Lies Below

Cole Bridges

By Cole Bridges, Omaha Regional Field Manager

Most people don’t know what’s all involved after the water goes down the drain. They don’t realize what a high-tech world sewer management has evolved to be, from 3D scanning and printing to LiDAR and SLAM technology. I am amazed and impressed at the younger generation of engineers and technicians who are solving the most unsolvable solutions that keep the most taken-for-granted part of everyday infrastructure working. It really is about improving lives, and I’m proud to be part of the solutions.

There are many projects that come to mind as memorable, but each have their own interesting challenges and opportunities. Some of the team we have assembled at TREKK have been doing this daily for 20 to 45 years. Just when we think we have seen it all, a new challenge arises. From helping the homeless on a levee project, to unplugging a sewer of a happy homeowner, to finding a bizarre reason for a street cave in, all of these and many more scenarios make life in the sewer business interesting. I thrive on the daily challenges of getting the job done right and in a timely manner.

My grandfather walked some of these same Omaha sewers more than 50 years ago. You wouldn’t believe some of the amazing craftsmanship that went into the building of these sewers, some of which are more than 100 years old. TREKK began our work for Omaha’s sewer separation project in east Omaha where most of the sewers installed were by local masonry craftsmen. Their stack brickwork is still evident today in both the tunnels and manhole entrances.


I have walked and televised sewers you could drive a semi-truck through. I have seen sewer sewage flowing like a river. I have installed sewer pipe, built manholes and worked at a sewage treatment plant. I have been a part of all aspects of sewer maintenance, and I am very proud to be working for a company that takes great pride in the work they do. We really do improve lives.