Stormwater — TREKK Design Group, LLC


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When storms strike, TREKK’s smart, sustainable stormwater solutions keep your community safe.

Our stormwater services include master planning through field inspections, integrated with hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, design of open channels, enclosed drainage systems and stream bank stabilizations, and permitting compliance.

We appreciate the importance of integrating green water quality measures into traditional gray stormwater quantity control approaches for a holistic approach to stormwater management. Addressing stormwater runoff quality through the design and implementation of green infrastructure facilities, such as permeable pavers, infiltration trenches, inlet filters and stormwater street trees, help IMPROVE LIVES for future generations. TREKK has experience with the design of these and other Best Management Practices, as well as an understanding of the criteria required to meet LEED certification.

But our work doesn’t end with design. We recognize the stormwater needs during construction with erosion control as part of a comprehensive Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Our team also knows the importance of proactively managing and maintaining all aspects of the system to meet community expectations and regulatory requirements. Using video inspection, TREKK can help contractors inspect storm sewer pipes as part of highway construction projects.