20th Anniversary Celebration Vacation


By Ashton Dennis, Marketing Specialist

On Saturday, January 15, more than 150 TREKK employees and their guests boarded planes to leave snowy conditions across the Midwest. They were all headed to the warmth and sunshine of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to celebrate TREKK’s 20th anniversary. Upon arrival at the Marriot Resort & Spa, everyone was greeted with champagne by the owners (Kimberly Robinett, Trent Robinett, Justin Likes, Tawn Nugent, Brock Beran and Lucas Gillen). The afternoon was spent enjoying the beach, sunshine and ocean. That evening, TREKK held a reception and celebration dinner on the beach. The reception started off by taking numerous group photos, including several shots of everyone around TREKK’s 20th anniversary logo sculpted into sand art.

The evening continued with cocktails, dinner and a presentation about TREKK through the years. The presentation included pictures from when Kim and Trent started the company all the way through their 20 years of business, and how TREKK has improved the lives of over 5 million people.


Sunday morning brought strong winds and rain, but that didn’t stop everyone from having a good day. People took walks before the rain, others hung out at the bar, some played cards, a few had massages, several people went out for lunch, and a couple of brave souls took a swim in the ocean during the downpour. Trent bought drinks in the afternoon for everyone that had their resumes updated, and Tawn had pizza delivered for everyone hanging out in the lobby. You can’t keep a good TREKK team down!


That evening, everyone gathered for dinner and more fun. There were yard games and fire pits for people to gather around and play. The night was spent socializing and having fun in true TREKK style. After dinner there was a Chiefs watch party, where we got to watch the Chiefs win over the Steelers. It was great fun cheering together as a group!


The last morning brought sunshine and blue skies. Thanks to the beautiful day, most people could be found out on the beach, in the pool or ocean. As the afternoon came to an end, it was time to say goodbye to the beach and head back to the airport. The trip was beautiful, and the owners made sure we all felt like we were part of ONE TREKK. Thanks for the amazing trip, and here’s to the next 20 years!

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