TREKK360 Camera Now Offers 3D Modeling and Measurement Features

By Jared Carey, Innovation Specialist

You may have heard about 360-degree panoramic photography by now, and there are dozens of ways to acquire it, ranging from consumer solutions to more professional/industrial applications, even so far as to bring us images from NASA’s latest Mars Perseverance Rover. But wow, what a difference that comprehensive view makes, right? However, there’s one thing missing. It would occasionally be nice to verify measurements of what you are seeing in the camera view. Up until now, this wasn’t as easily possible without the use of expensive industrial camera systems. And of course, TREKK’s research and development team seldom backs down from a good challenge.

Our TREKK360 camera has evolved. Using a new workflow, we have now unlocked the power of constructing 3D models from the imagery we capture during underground structure inspections. This not only builds us a high-definition preview of how the structure looks (seeing its inner photographic “skin” projected to the outside for fast visual confirmations of routing and defects perhaps), but it is also calibrated to offer close measurements of pipe/barrel diameters, invert depths, and other structural dimensions as the need arises. Granted, this will never be as accurate nor precise as LiDAR measurements might offer, but for rapid verifications, when LiDAR isn’t available, this can come in quite handy.

Why? Consider this - it’s a bit hard to measure what can’t be reached. For large diameter structures (meandering tunnels, blind tees, etc.) often is the case that manned entry is necessary to pull out the measuring tape and obtain that dimensional verification. But setting up for confined space entry exposes personnel to unnecessary risks, and sometimes the presence of high flows or H2S gasses prevent this option altogether.

In the case of our TREKK360 camera system, it’s now easier to measure what can be seen, though not necessarily reached. As long as our camera can gain visual access, we can gain dimensional verification, and for some applications that’s more than enough to satisfy the mission without putting lives in harm’s way. So, if you have an application that would be well-suited for this new approach, let us come up with a better plan to tackle your next mission where 3D visuals might help!

Check out the original TREKK360 capture to see what this 3D manhole was derived from.