Stormwater Streambank Stabilization Design - Contract A
As the prime consultant on this multi-project, multi-year contract, TREKK (as Access Engineering) performs the program/contract management, project management, property owner communications, conceptual design lead engineering, and design leadership. These projects address moderate to high-risk structural erosion, bank failures, and yard erosion along various creeks throughout St. Louis communities.
During the Initial Assessment phase of these projects, property owner approval is required in order to proceed with the design solution. TREKK has an excellent history of successful communication with property owners, leading to successfully implemented design solutions.
During the Design Phase of these projects, TREKK evaluates stabilization treatment options, performs hydraulic modeling, completes the permitting process, determines shoring requirements, and protects existing sewers to remain in place.
Individual Projects included on this contract to date:
Kenwood-June Creek Bank Stabilization
Meaux Mart – Gray Storm Channel
Winchester Drive #7120 Bank Stabilization
Martigney Creek Streambank Stabilization
WC-33 Storm Improvements
Carey Court Streambank Stabilization
Hurstgreen Lane Bank Stabilization