On-Call Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Engineering Services


Since 2014, TREKK has provided engineering services to the City of Olathe as its on-call sanitary sewer rehabilitation engineer. Our wastewater planning and design experts work together with city staff to creatively solve problems.

Over the past five years, TREKK has assisted the city with more than 20 projects to date. We have conducted flow monitoring and data analysis, feasibility studies, hydraulic modeling and field reconnaissance, and provided engineering design and survey for sanitary sewer rehabilitation projects.

TREKK has conducted flow monitoring and data analysis across all of the city’s basins to evaluate overall inflow and infiltration and measure the effectiveness of the city’s capital improvement projects. Data analysis results confirm a significant reduction in I/I in the sewer collection system.

To improve service to residents in several Olathe neighborhoods, TREKK has designed new gravity sewers using a variety of construction methods, including open cut and pipe bursting.